Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I very nearly just copied and pasted everything from ju's blog to this. Sheesh. The dude do all the work typing about you and I just leech of him. However! I am not like that!
I have sexy written all over my face. You just have..."i'm so honored to be near his sexiness and hotness and I would die just to have him autograph my forehead. No! I would just die to be near him cause his hotness would melt me! Burn!! WOOO!!!" Written all over your face. 
The lerry rule. Five minutes sure kena something wan. Take care of yourself okay! Sheesh. 
Whatever you have. I have bigger. Better. Stronger. Better still. I can actually take of my shirt. Completely. (to any stranger who stumbles on this blog, get out now. Seriously. What's your problem?)
Where did she come from. NO CAMERA'S! STOP! You know what, I can't stop her. She wants photo's of me, who am I to deny her that!? *"OOO joseph!! I love you in that bikini!" says mishie. 

WTV man... I'm still bloomin hotter. And you still have that "oh my gosh, I shall never equal up to big bro in terms of hotness because I do not have the same molecular structure as he has. He is wonderful and perfect in every way. Oh my gosh oh my gosh" Look on your face. 
Our first baby. Well. Actually, more like our 5th or 6th cause I sincerely do remember you posing and patting tummy wummy  alot. Or... its all an elaborate excuse to... "TOUCH MAH BODY"!(mariah carey! Hit it!)
hee. Still sexy.

Hey! What's up! Yeap. This is Jo. You're sixteen now. So old. But still awesome! I might add more in, but ergh. Lazy la. HATTY BORDAY!!! 

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